Dog Training
Garromuir Training Centre has over twenty five years experience in dog training.
Whether it’s behavioural problems, pet training or specialised training Garromuir Training Centre can help.
We don’t use brutality, clickers, treats or any other tricks, we simply train dogs.
Training the Garromuir way has had proven success over 25 years and trained dogs from all over the U.K. Several of our customers have had three generations of dogs trained at the Garromuir Dog Training Centre.
Our Dog Training is split in to three categories as listed below. Click on the category that you feel best suits your dogs needs or browse through the training information below.
Behavioural Problems
Non-Severe Problems:
(e.g. Jumping up, chewing furniture, barking in the car.)
These problems are usually sorted out by a consultation with the Behaviourist (usually 1 hour).
Severe Problems:
(e.g. Attacking people or attacking other dogs.)
These problems can be sorted by a combination of advice & training. This includes a consultation (usually 1 hour) with the behaviourist, and also advice from the dog trainer (usually 1 hour). In very difficult cases the training may involve the dog attending a residential course.
Pet Training
There are all kind of packages available to train your pet pooch:
- Learn the techniques at Garromuir Training Centre of how to train your dog with one to one lessons with a professional dog trainer.
- Garromuir Training Centre can train your dog in any discipline you require. There are residential courses from 3 – 21 days. The course depends on how much training you want for your pouch. e.g. Teaching your dog to walk to heel on a leash (3 – 5 days). Full obedience training- heel, sit, down, stay & recall (21 days).
- You can also mix and match, attend one to one lessons and do some of the work and let Garromuir Training Centre finish off for you.
Specialist Training
Garromuir Training Centre offers several packages:
- Gun Dog Training, Picking Up, Quartering, Dropping to shot, Full gun dog training.
- Show & ring craft training.
- Advanced Training.